Crystals are everywhere these days!  Online, small boutiques, and franchises even craft stores!  So, what is it about them that is so interesting?  Their color, maybe they sparkle, or maybe you’re drawn to a particular crystal and you’re not sure why, or it just feels really good in your hand.

A question I receive a lot is “I really like crystals but don’t know much about them.”  Crystals all have their own energies and many times what draws you to a particular crystal isn’t necessarily how pretty or sparkly it is but a deeper awareness on a soul level.  Now lets back up a few steps and I will explain the last sentence for those just beginning a journey into the holistic lifestyle.  One of the main beliefs when working holistically is that our body knows exactly what it needs to heal itself.  Now, that isn’t something that we have grown up believing or even thought was possible!  The majority were brought up with beliefs that doctors, our parents, or professionals have the knowledge and know what is best for us.  This is even if our gut feeling was telling us differently!

As you embark on this journey, the power to heal is within you!  You are the person who knows your body best (you have lived in it the longest and will continue living in your body until you chose otherwise).  You have the POWER!!

Now, in saying that, when I began my journey, this concept was quite new and I found it hard to think of what my body wanted.  The more I thought, the more I questioned myself: is this the best choice?  Am I choosing that because I read somewhere this would help?  Am I sure this is the right thing?  On and on it goes….

The trick here is: NOT TO THINK!!!  GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD!  It is a FEELING; you don’t have to hurt your brain trying to think, but just “be.”  Be in the moment; take a deep breath in…. close your eyes and breathe out.  Center yourself.  This means, just be in this moment, be present.  If needed take another deep breath…in … and out…

Now there are quite a few ways of choosing crystals.  My favorite is the notice which crystals I am drawn to.  Another is to close your eyes and move your hand slowly over the crystals, taking note of the crystals where you felt a heat, cooling or tingling sensation.  The fun part is to then read the description and to learn the energies of that crystal.

Comments I hear are WOW!  I definitely need that!  Or, the comments will come from the friends stating at “oh, you DEFINITELY need that!!

So, no matter which way you choose your crystals, just know, that if you take a few moments to center yourself and just “Be” in that moment your soul will come out and play.  When that happens, you will begin the most amazing path of learning, really learning about the most important subject…YOU!!

What's your favorite crystal? Comment below and tell us your favorite crystals, ask questions or share your stories.

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