The world is changing. While working a regular job, where you go to the office at 8 or 9 a.m. and head home at 4 or 5 p.m. (or even later) is still the “norm,” thanks to the Internet, many people are changing things up.

An increasing number of people work from home; in fact, according to a New York Times article from 2017, 43 percent of employed Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely.

What does this all mean?

All workers now have the opportunity to design lives and careers that meet their needs, desires, schedules, and priorities!

Coaching is one career that is especially conducive to working from home and designing your own work-style and lifestyle. Why? Because not only can you coach from anywhere (including your home or anywhere your world travels take you), but also because you can work on your own time, choosing when to see clients and how to structure your business.

So if you’d like to ditch the 9-to-5 and create a lifestyle you love, consider these relevant benefits of becoming a holistic coach:

  1. You can work from anywhere.
    Many coaches work from home, and meet their clients elsewhere: coffee shops, libraries, shared office spaces, etc. Coaches also meet clients using video messaging software like Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime, which means your work locations are virtually unlimited (as long as you have an Internet connection). This means you can work from home or while you travel the world!
  2. You can design your own schedule.
    Coaching offers myriad options when it comes to business models, and therefore, schedules. Whether you’re a parent and want to work around your children’s school and activities schedules, or you’re planning to take maternity leave, or you just want freedom, you can build your business around those priorities. Whether you choose to work one-on-one with clients, or in group settings, the choice of when to work is yours.
  3. Coaching can be full-time or a side hustle.
    Because becoming a coach means you’re a business owner, you can choose how much you want to work. If you want to make it full-time, no problem: there are plenty of clients who could use your gifts and talents! And if you want to make it part-time, so you can coach as a “side hustle” (or because you don’t have to work full-time), then you can do that, too.
  4. Coaching is flexible.
    One of the very best things about working as a coach is that you can be flexible depending on what’s going on in your life. You can always adjust how, when, and how much you work, as you need to (unlike a corporate job, where you’re pretty much stuck working your office job on your boss’s terms).

In conclusion …

Coaching, as a profession and a career, can be whatever you want or need it to be. Whether you want to be a work-from-home parent or a jet-setting professional, whether you want to work 20 hours a week or 40, you can.

If you’d like to learn more about how to become a certified holistic coach, visit the leading certification program at

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