Why the J.O.B. you are so desperate to leave is actually your BIGGEST blessing.

I know it’s hard to believe it (it took me a loooooong time to get there too), but that job you are SO ready to leave behind is actually one of your greatest blessings.

For ten years I was doing the same thing. Completely miserable in my day job. Knowing to my core that I was meant for something completely different. That I wanted to make an impact and help change lives. I KNEW this wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing with my life and every single day I walked thru the door of my job I felt like my soul died a little inside.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

I truly resented my career and fantasized about the day I would be able to walk away from it and never have to look back.

I felt that way for years. Years of trying to build a business and feeling distracted by my day job. Feeling too exhausted from working long hours to be able to come home and put more time into my business. I felt drained, defeated and like I wasn’t EVER making any progress and because of this, I hated my day job even more.

I blamed it for my inability to get my business off the ground. As a result, I lived each and every day carrying this weight around with me and not even being one step closer to walking away from the job I despised so much.

Here is what I finally wound up realizing.

It wasn’t my job that was holding me back at all….it was me.
It wasn’t time that was holding me back…it was prioritizing it.
It wasn’t money that was holding me back….it was not being clear with my money and knowing exactly what I needed in the first place.

It all came back to money.

The Scapegoat.

The thing we blame as the reason we can’t leave our job and begin our business. How often have you heard yourself saying “I wish I could leave, but my business isn’t making enough” or thinking to yourself how impossible it will be to earn enough from your business to replace your full-time income?

The problem is – you’re looking at it all wrong.
Your job is the reason you CAN build a business. It provides the money you need to start funding your business from the beginning. Your J.O.B. is the very thing that will make it possible for you to transition into full-blown entrepreneurship without having to rack up a ton of debt (and stress) in the process!

The first thing you need to do it get clarity around your numbers. If you want help, that just so happens to be my specialty. In two hours we can have your business and personal expenses separated out and clarified so you can see exactly how much of your income you need to start building your business. THEN we can see how much income you need to make from your business to get you out of your job!

If you are ready to get those numbers on lockdown, you can schedule your Eureka session with me here.

Once I could clearly see where my money was going and how much I had available to invest in my business it made it SO MUCH easier to hit the ground running! It changed my perspective on being at work. Instead of hating it I became thankful for it. Every time I had to work late I found myself being grateful that I would have even more money to use for my business.

I knew with certainty every day that I went to work that the money I made that day would be used to help me make my dream a reality, and do you think it felt like I was carrying a big heavyweight around with me anymore????


Once I had clarity around my numbers it made it easier to see what I had to do in order to make my business a reality. My time suddenly became more productive and I was more excited to work on my business when I arrived home each evening.

I stopped procrastinating. Once I saw that I actually HAD a stream of money to fund my business it made starting my business simple. What I had been putting off or making excuses for was no longer an option. I HAD the money. Now I had to do something with it!

You can do this too.

You can shift the way you feel about your job, the moment you begin to see it’s value. Your job is your partner. A silent investor into your business that won’t ask for interest or any repayment, as long as you are nice to it during the process! Appreciate your job as the wonderful angel investor that it is. Because of the money you make from your JOB you actually have the money you need to start your own business.

So no more blaming and shaming or making excuses. You CAN start a business alongside your job and your job CAN be your biggest ally in making that happen!

And if you want some help organizing all of that – hit me up.